The Star Wars rule that really matters - and how it can improve your copy.
Yes, yes, Star Wars is all about the Hero’s Journey. But there’s a more important lesson that copywriters can learn from Star Wars and Harrison Ford’s thoughts on its rather ropey script.
How much does it cost? Value-pricing good copy
Somewhere deep in my DNA is a strong aversion to talking about money. However, I’m also a freelance business owner, which makes the subject pretty much unavoidable. Here’s my guide on how I go about charging for copy and content.
Why words matter
A picture does not paint a 1,000 words. Not even close. Especially when you want to be clear about your message.
From the archive: How not to produce great content
I write this post back in 2013 to rant about content farms and reverse auction sites. The world has moved on since then but the main points still stand. As does my rage at firms who wriggle out of paying a living wage!